Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Nice camera shader for the Arnold renderercapable of simulating some optically imperfect lens effects.

Download, documentation and more info  >>> here <<<

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Yeti and UDIM

Important <UDIM> like Mari UDIMs (.1001., 1002, )

File- path to texture with .<UDIM>. for example C:\Temp\TXT.<UDIM>.tif ; U coordinate no changed- $s , V coordinate need changed to: 

floor($t) + 1 - ($t - floor($t))
see in pic.

If V coordinate leave unchanged (1-$t), there will be an unexpected result over 1001 UDIM.

Convert curves (guide set) to Yeti Groom

If you need convert curves to Yeti Groom, you must create from curves maya Set and know shape name of object the guides are to be growing from. Then type MEL command:

pgYetiConvertGuideSetToGroom( "set1", "pPlaneShape1", "0.2" )

where: set1 - your set name, pPlaneShape1- shape name your object the guides are to be growing from,  0.2-  step size (less value - strands will be more detailed).

Script in action